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I’ll Take the Veepstakes for $1000, Alex

May 12, 2004

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Today’s blog version of D.C. Power Players Jeopardy features (what else?) the Veepstakes.

Washington Monthly‘s Kevin Drum runs the name of John McCain up the flagpole once again. While conceding, “there are all sorts of reasons this [ticket] could never happen,” Drum still hopes against hope:

[T]here’s a powerful case to be made that a “fusion” ticket of a liberal Democrat paired with a Republican known for his integrity is the only chance America has to truly change course in Iraq and regain the trust of the world. I’m not even sure whether I’d personally be for or against this, but the bipartisan symbolism of such a pairing is hard to ignore.

Andrew Sullivan at The New Republic seconds the idea, but for different reasons: “[A] Kerry-McCain pairing would be an almost painfully appropriate response to the recent loss of confidence both in the war and in the Kerry candidacy.”

Sullivan is more optimistic about voter response than Drum:

McCain could say that this national crisis demands that he put country ahead of party and serve. His loyalty to his party would therefore be trumped by loyalty to his country. Kerry could also say that his impulse is to be a “uniter, not a divider,” and that, unlike Bush, he will actually show it in his pick for the vice-presidency. Their platform? Winning the war, cutting the deficit, reforming corporate excess. A Kerry-McCain ticket, regardless of the many difficulties, would, I think, win in a landslide.

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Taking his cue from a rehash of the supposed Veep “short list,” published by Bloomberg News, Kos says he likes Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack and retired Gen. Wesley Clark. But he’s not real enthusiastic with the list. “I’d like some flash and sizzle, but at this point I have to hope the Kerry people know what they are doing.”

Max Sawicky thinks John Kerry should be paying more attention to his day job. Linking to a story from yesterday’s Washington Post about Kerry missing a crucial vote in the Senate, Sawicky offers two words: “Just Great.”

And, finally, news that should warm the heart of every blogger, courtesy of the Associated Press: “Presidential campaigns and the political parties are venturing into virtual advertising this year like never before, leading some Internet industry analysts to anticipate a banner year for political advertising online.”

Laura Bush will appear in an ad on Cooking Light‘s website, and John Kerry may pop up in Sports Illustrated online, reports AP’s Liz Sidoti. Getting into the spirit of the occasion, Taegan Goddard at Political Wire generously provides an easy link to buy space on his site.

–Susan Q. Stranahan

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Susan Q. Stranahan wrote for CJR.