Sulzberger at the Barricades July 15, 2008 By Douglas McCollam Arthur Sulzberger Jr. is racing to transform the embattled New York Times for the digital age. Is he up to the job?
The Future of Reading – Video May 8, 2008 By Michael Meyer and Malcolm Murray Ezra Klein discusses Amazon’s Kindle in print and video
The Future of Reading May 6, 2008 By Ezra Klein Ezra Klein discusses Amazon’s Kindle in print and video
Lost Over Iran March 12, 2008 By Eric Umansky How the press let the White House craft the narrative about nukes
Secrets of the City January 10, 2008 By Lawrence Lanahan What The Wire reveals about urban journalism
Goodbye to All That August 31, 2007 By Steve Wasserman The decline of the coverage of books isn’t new, benign, or necessary
The Race March 1, 2007 By Robert Kuttner Newspapers have a bright future as print-digital hybrids after all — but they’d better hurry.