The New York Times’s metered paywall has been in effect since March 28, and reactions to the plan have varied from relief to rage. (Our favorite take had to be The Onion headine, “’s Plan To Charge People Money For Consuming Goods, Services Called Bold Business Move.”)
As it happens, Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism will be hosting a panel with Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. and president Janet Robinson on this very topic on Tuesday evening; the event, moderated by Dean of Academic Affairs Bill Grueskin will be webcast at 7 p.m. eastern, and you can watch it live here.
But in the meantime, what are your thoughts on the paywall, now that it’s been up for a week? Has it changed your reading habits at all? If you weren’t a subscriber already, have you had to pull out your credit card yet? And if you haven’t yet, do you plan to?
The Editors are the staffers of the Columbia Journalism Review.