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Thus Be It Resolved…

Suggest a New Year's resolution for a journalist or two
January 5, 2010

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Now that we’re a good five days into 2010 and you’ve already broken your own New Year’s resolutions, we at CJR would like to give you an opportunity to make resolutions for other people–specifically, for journalists.

With the aughts in the rear-view mirror, where should journalism be heading? What, to you, is the journalistic equivalent of joining the gym and quitting smoking? Should everyone stop blaming the poor Internet for newspapers’ tough times? What stories don’t get enough attention in the national discourse, and what can stand to get cut from the newshole? And what about the word “newshole?” There’s got to be some better term. . .

From journalism in general to specific journalists and news organizations, no target is too big or small. Everyone has some room for improvement. Resolve away on their behalf!

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The Editors are the staffers of the Columbia Journalism Review.