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Showing the Big Boys How It’s Done

January 13, 2005

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CBS MarketWatch Washington bureau chief Rex Nutting wrote a first-rate article yesterday on President Bush’s town hall meeting on Social Security held the day before. Unlike his competitors at larger outlets such as the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, Nutting ignored the event’s staged drama and went straight to the heart of the matter:

“President Bush made several factual errors Tuesday about Social Security’s long-term financing problems at a photo op event designed to educate the public about the retirement system.”

He then followed with a point-by-point dissection of what Bush said and why he shouldn’t have said it — four different times.

We encourage you to put down your favorite paper and take a look for yourself at an exemplary example of how this story could have been covered — and should have been covered. (Registration required, but if you’re too lazy to sign up, head over to Brad DeLong’s blog, which pasted the article in its entirety.)


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Thomas Lang was a writer at CJR Daily.