ESPN’s drug-war epic ‘Pin Kings’ invigorates multi-platform storytelling genre August 18, 2016 By Shelley Hepworth
Why private-college police forces are a new front in the fight over public records February 29, 2016 By Chava Gourarie and Jonathan Peters
ESPN’s The Undefeated off the ground February 12, 2015 By Chris Ip Jason Whitlock’s long delayed race and sports site launches first story
Covering teams in untraditional ways pays off February 11, 2015 By Christopher Massie Innovative sports blogs give die-hard fans an outlet
Must-reads of the week November 7, 2014 By The Editors Why in-house innovation is important, how polling data can be dangerous, and evaluating ESPN’s journalistic standards
LeBron’s SI announcement was the anti-‘Decision’ July 14, 2014 By Robert Weintraub It looks like he didn’t want to once again incur fan wrath with his latest movement announcement
Odd men out October 11, 2013 By Robert Weintraub Burke is key to ESPN’s lineup overhaul for NBA Countdown
Frontline‘s landmark ‘League of Denial’ October 9, 2013 By Ryan Chittum A gripping story of decades of NFL coverup and the deadly consequences
Couch reporters September 30, 2013 By Robert Weintraub The NFL is a made-for-TV-specatcle; it should be covered as such
ESPN-Frontline deal was destined to implode August 23, 2013 By Robert Weintraub They’re in different businesses, after all
The game has changed July 24, 2013 By Robert Weintraub As moves by Nate Silver and Pete King suggest, it’s better to be cocooned inside Big Media than go it alone–even for stars
Nate Silver’s next steps July 22, 2013 By Kira Goldenberg At ESPN, he’s going to build his brand into a staffed site
ESPN’s interchangeable women May 6, 2013 By Robert Weintraub To the Bristol brass, it’s the network, not the talent, that makes the star
Room for two April 30, 2013 By Robert Weintraub New Yorker, Grantland go head to head on Iditarod coverage
No sweat on ESPN’s brow March 6, 2013 By Robert Weintraub Fox Sports 1 won’t be able to paint itself as the ‘fair and balanced’ alternative
X-treme denial January 31, 2013 By Robert Weintraub Why aren’t the player-safety concerns that dog the NFL an issue in ESPN’s X Games?
ESPN’s unreality-based coverage November 16, 2012 By Robert Weintraub Karl Rove’s got nothing on the boys from Bristol
Audit notes: Murdoch and the Conservatives, M&A, ESPN fail May 2, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Tantalizing but thinly sourced info on Rebekah Brooks’s texts to David Cameron
Best of 2011: Ryan Chittum December 30, 2011 By Ryan Chittum The Audit’s deputy editor picks his top CJR stories from the past year
ESPN Obscures Its Own Role in the Conference Realignment Mess September 22, 2011 By Ryan Chittum The network’s $300 million deal with Texas, at the heart of the news, goes almost unmentioned