Audit Notes: GOOD sellout, flash crashes, Reuters eyes banks’ accounting moves (UPDATED) September 17, 2013 By Ryan Chittum The liberal magazine-turned-social network pairs up with the military to perfect a killing machine
A new Patch? July 26, 2012 By Kira Goldenberg AOL’s hyperlocal startup is building something new, but the details remain closely guarded
Gawker’s new comment system July 6, 2012 By Peter Sterne Will it help or hurt the site’s young writers?
Tomorrow meets its Kickstarter goal in hours June 26, 2012 By Kira Goldenberg Former GOOD editors will make their dream mag
GOOD Mag to be ‘a Reddit for social good’ (updated) June 5, 2012 By Alysia Santo Ex-staffers at work on a new publication