Redefining the resilience beat November 21, 2013 By Alexis Sobel Fitts A new fellowship will train journalists to think critically about community recovery
Collecting Sandy’s stories, one by one April 19, 2013 By Lauren Kirchner Sandy Storyline is featured in this weekend’s Tribeca Film Festival
NY community papers struggle post-Sandy November 30, 2012 By Henry Gass Small papers were washed away when their readers most needed them, and they’re still recovering
Highway to the danger zone November 20, 2012 By Curtis Brainard Following Sandy, HuffPo and NYT dig into the folly of coastal development
Must-reads of the week November 16, 2012 By The Editors David Petraeus, Mormon reporters, Guy Fieri, stray penises
Stories I’d like to see November 13, 2012 By Steven Brill The clown-show economics of storm-hit utilities, and in search of open primaries