Why sportswriters are questioning football December 17, 2014 By Christopher Massie It’s getting harder to cover the NFL without noting criticism
Roger Goodell’s salary stunner February 18, 2014 By Ryan Chittum Great sports reporting puts $44 million payday for the NFL commissioner in context
An NFL flack’s non-answers December 2, 2013 By Jesse Singal On the Media runs a talk-around on concussions, leading the author to extrapolate the flack’s rhetorical style to other scenarios
Must-reads of the week November 8, 2013 By The Editors Nazi anatomists, NFL casualties, Amazon reviewers
Frontline‘s landmark ‘League of Denial’ October 9, 2013 By Ryan Chittum A gripping story of decades of NFL coverup and the deadly consequences
Couch reporters September 30, 2013 By Robert Weintraub The NFL is a made-for-TV-specatcle; it should be covered as such
Think taxpayers, not just NFL fans September 5, 2013 By David Cay Johnston There is a big–so far, untold–story about the proposed NFL concussion settlement
ESPN-Frontline deal was destined to implode August 23, 2013 By Robert Weintraub They’re in different businesses, after all
X-treme denial January 31, 2013 By Robert Weintraub Why aren’t the player-safety concerns that dog the NFL an issue in ESPN’s X Games?
Tough guys January 11, 2013 By Robert Weintraub The press is complicit in the NFL’s ‘warrior mentality’
Giving the Jovan Belcher story its due December 6, 2012 By Robert Weintraub On the NFL pre-game shows, Bob Costas distinguished himself by using the KC tragedy to talk about gun control; James Brown did not
Take one for the team September 18, 2012 By Robert Weintraub Football season is upon us, and so are its tried and true clichés