Schudson Talks Back October 19, 2009 By Michael Schudson A response to CJR’s responders about “The Reconstruction of American Journalism”
First Read: Report Ignores Web’s Nimble Nature October 19, 2009 By Martin C. Langeveld Why not a Journalism Geek Squad? Or Report For America?
First Read: The Mutualized Future is Bright October 19, 2009 By Alan Rusbridger But we will need some help—from government and others—to get there
First Read: Journalism Minus its Old Public October 19, 2009 By Paul Starr Even if funds can be found, journalism’s reach is narrowing
First Read: Follow the Breadcrumbs October 19, 2009 By Jack Shafer What if it’s not just the business model of journalism that is broken?
The Reconstruction of American Journalism October 19, 2009 By Leonard Downie Jr. and Michael Schudson A report by Leonard Downie, Jr., and Michael Schudson
A Helping Hand November 10, 2009 By The Editors The case for (smart) government support of journalism
Darts and Laurels November 12, 2009 By Alexandra Fenwick The East Valley Tribune uncovers abuse of a school tuition program
Glass Half Full? November 17, 2009 By James Surowiecki Two new books with clashing takes on American optimism
Man on the (Digital) Street December 6, 2009 By Janet Paskin A new Web service helps reporters find the perfect quote
‘A Minor Regional Prophet’ December 7, 2009 By Steve Oney Paul Hemphill wrote the stories he was meant to write
Myths of Mexico December 8, 2009 By Michelle Garcia The media’s simplistic depiction of the ‘drug war’
The Rise of True Fiction December 8, 2009 By Alissa Quart Some of the best new films and books live between genres
Mourning Becomes Electric December 8, 2009 By Michael Schudson and Julia Sonnevend The rituals of grief can still bring a fragmented audience together
All the News Fit to Sing December 9, 2009 By Ayesha Akram An interview with the man behind Pakistan’s musical news cartoons
Freeze Frame December 9, 2009 By James Lo Scalzo A photojournalist finds himself increasingly shut out
A Failure of Skepticism December 9, 2009 By Russell Working Stolen Valor and the effort to expose bogus battlefield heroics
Brief Encounters December 9, 2009 By James Boylan Short reviews of books on foreign reporting and journalists who risked it all