So you wanna be a journalist? May 29, 2018 By Kyle Pope The jobs picture is worse—and better—than you realize
Joining the ranks May 30, 2018 By Anna Heyward What’s driving the new wave of unionization sweeping digital newsrooms?
More secure jobs, bigger paychecks May 30, 2018 By Steven Greenhouse The reasons for unionizing haven’t changed much in the last 80 years
Do we need J-schools? May 31, 2018 By Bill Grueskin, Felix Salmon, and Alexandria Neason The role of a reporter is shifting, as are the economics of education. With this new calculus, does journalism school still have a place in our profession?
‘I was trying to not have a job’ June 1, 2018 By Gabriel Snyder At some point, nearly every journalist might consider the great leap: Should I go into business for myself? CJR contributing editor Gabriel Snyder sat down with four current and former journalists who have taken that risk to ask: Do journalists make good entrepreneurs?
The great remove June 4, 2018 By Sarah Jones How journalism got so out of touch with the people it covers
Productivity June 5, 2018 By Nikil Saval The news has become faster, better, stronger. But how much is too much?
Bridging the age gap June 6, 2018 By Michael A. Lindenberger How do older journalists adapt in an industry that suddenly feels foreign?
The pain and joy of the side hustle June 8, 2018 By Atossa Araxia Abrahamian The job that helps you stay on the job