How a small team in Wisconsin delivers investigative reporting to 10 Gannett papers December 16, 2015 By Anna Clark
Will a new website deliver on Wisconsin’s promises about transparency? February 26, 2014 By Anna Clark OpenBook promises to let light in on state spending, but it’s a limited tool for now
A close watch on Scott Walker’s jobs pledge March 21, 2013 By Anna Clark For PolitiFact Wisconsin’s "Walk-o-meter," the key innovation is sustained attention
Governor’s Inbox Puts Deputy Prosecutor Out (Updated) March 25, 2011 By Joel Meares Walker’s e-mails give Wisconsin watchdog a story
PolitiFact Shows A Fox Host Is Wrong, But Hedges Its Verdict (UPDATED) February 28, 2011 By Ryan Chittum
WSJ Slips Up on a Union Story February 24, 2011 By Ryan Chittum And its misses tilt toward the anti-labor side