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Arianna Huffington, Queen of All Media

September 16, 2009

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Conservative pundit? Check.
Liberal pundit? Check.
Book author? Check.
Lobbyist? Check.
Political activist? Check.
Gubernatorial candidate? Check.
Radio commentator? Check.
Television commentator? Check.
Television host? Check.
Spiritual advisor? Check.
Animated character? Check.
Saturday Night Live roastee? Check.
Founder of a high-traffic news outlet, blog, and aggregator? Check, check, and check.

Yeah. You’ve gotta hand it to Arianna Huffington: the lady has cornered the market. If there is a media platform out there–and, these days, there are many media platforms out there–odds are, she has not only used it, but embraced it, embodied it…and, finally, conquered it. (She has even appeared on Hollywood Squares. If that’s not some kind of victory, I don’t know what is.)

Except. Over her long and storied career, there has been one jewel missing from Huffington’s Queen of All Media crown–the gem that combines the color of the national zeitgeist with the clarity of the national zaniness, the pinnacle of contemporary artistic expression, the media platform to end all media platforms. Yep: the sitcom.

But, rejoice! Soon, Huffington’s crown will be complete: the media maven, we learn today, will be producing a Washington-themed sitcom for ABC. Details of the show are hazy–we know only that the “project centers on the friendship of three freshman members of Congress…who live together in D.C.”–but no matter. We’ll surely soon learn more about the show…from, no doubt, Huffington herself. In the meantime: all hail.

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Megan Garber is an assistant editor at the Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University. She was formerly a CJR staff writer.