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February 16, 2009

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Secretary of State Clinton is on her first overseas trip for the Obama administration. Over the weekend, CNN’s John Roberts interviewed Bill Clinton and, um, teased one segment from the interview as follows:

I’ll have more of my conversation with President Clinton including what he will and will not be doing at home while his wife is on the road.

So. What Bill Clinton “won’t be doing” while Sec. Clinton’s away? Being a “house husband,” which is apparently the role that 37 percent of women polled by US News said Sec. of State Clinton should choose for her spouse. When asked by Roberts, “Would you be comfortable being a house husband?” Clinton replied,”No, I have to go to work…If I don’t work every day, I get nervous.”

Elsewhere on cable: Greta Van Susteren spent the weekend in Wasilla interviewing several members of the Palin family (“including,” as Van Susteren boasts on GretaWire, “the new mother, Bristol.” ), all of which will air tonight. But really, what’s left? Hasn’t Van Susteren pretty much covered all the tough questions during her two previous visits to the Palin home?

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Liz Cox Barrett is a writer at CJR.