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If By "Debate Prep" You Mean Getting A Mani-Pedi

October 18, 2010

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The New York governor’s race is not just Paladino v. Paladino. Or, even, Paladino v. Cuomo. In fact, there are seven total candidates. Here is the New York Times’s cheat sheet on the five “lesser-known” contenders who will be joining Carl Paladino (R) and Andrew Cuomo (D) at tonight’s gubernatorial debate at Hofstra University:

And here is The Buffalo News previewing tonight’s event:

The debate’s format leaves little time for much substantive discussion of the issues.
With seven candidates, three panelists asking questions and queries from the audience of about 1,000 people, and time for closing statements and rebuttals, the breadth of issues that can be addressed in 90 minutes is severely limited at best.

At best. Still, one wants to look one’s best.

Kristin Davis, one of the seven candidates, “also known as the Manhattan Madam for her claims of supplying prostitutes to then-Gov. Eliot L. Spitzer,” tells the News:

“I’m not really preparing. I’m working out, doing my nails, doing my hair.”

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Liz Cox Barrett is a writer at CJR.