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Lieberman Opts Out

October 27, 2009

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My, how times do change. In a blatant ploy for attention declaration of his disapproval of the health care reform plans currently on the table, Joe Lieberman has announced that he will vote against a reform bill that contains a public option–even with an opt-out provision for individual states–and that, if it came to it, he’d likely join a GOP filibuster of Harry Reid’s reform bill.

Yes. Needless to say, many on the left–individuals and news outlets alike–are none too thrilled with Lieberman right now. (“Joe Lieberman betrays his state, party & country,” The Nation editor Katrina Vanden Heuvel Twittered in reaction to the news.) And while there’s been talk, lately, about the questionable wisdom of picking fights with organizations that buy ink by the barrel…equally dangerous, apparently, is finding oneself at ideological odds with organizations in possession of an extensive photo archive.

To wit: notice anything similar about the following stories?



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And, FTW…The Huffington Post:

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Megan Garber is an assistant editor at the Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University. She was formerly a CJR staff writer.