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Matthews’s Leg: Still Thrilled?

Barack Obama, media critic!
April 3, 2008

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Perhaps the best line from Barack Obama’s Hardball appearance yesterday came after (the notoriously Obamaphilic) Chris Matthews asked the candidate a very Chris Matthews-esque question:

“At any time in this campaign, did you have a chuckle that you just couldn’t get rid of, something weird that happened, it was so crazy that you just went to bed laughing about it?”

“Well, I think that that happens once a day,” Obama deadpanned. “…But then I stopped watching cable news.”

Hand-that-feeds-you, consider yourself bit! Thrilled leg, consider yourself pulled!

Watch the video here; the line comes about seven-and-a-half minutes into the segment.

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Megan Garber is an assistant editor at the Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University. She was formerly a CJR staff writer.