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More On Those Photoshopped Soldiers

They were shot by one of their own
September 26, 2008

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According to a September 22 article in the Army Times, the two soldiers whose photos were doctored by the U.S. Army were shot and killed by a fellow solider on Sept. 14.

The article reads:

A 1 a.m. counseling session at a small outpost in Iraq took a fatal turn Sept. 14, Army officials say, when the soldier being counseled opened fire with his M4 on a fellow team leader and their squad leader.

Kevin Larson, spokesman for the Fort Stewart Army base in Georgia, told CJR that the name of the shooter, a non-commissioned officer from the same unit, will not be released until he arrives in the United States and is officially charged. Currently, he is en route to the base from a detention center in Kuwait.

The victims, Staff Sgt. Darris J. Dawson, 24, and Sgt. Wesley R. Durbin, 26, were stationed a few miles south of Baghdad in the city of Tunnis. The Department of Defense classified their deaths as the result of “wounds sustained in a non-hostile incident.”

A article from Sept 18 voiced the frustrations of Dawson’s family. According to the article, the family said “the military has told them nothing about the incident: no details on his death, no information at all.”

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Details of the shooting will be confirmed depending on whether the shooter is charged, according to Larson. However, the Army Times reported the shooting occurred during a “counseling session,” while an article from the Pensacola News Journal states the soldiers were killed during a “performance review.”

When asked about the Photoshopped pictures of the deceased soldiers, Larson told CJR:

We trusted in the unit to provide [the photos of the soldiers]. We took them at face value and had no intent to deceive the public. We […] didn’t question the validity of the photos, since we [Army and Department of Defense] adhere to the same standards that journalists do, in that respect.

We’ll be following this story.

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Megan McGinley is an intern at CJR.