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Must-reads of the week

Interviewing pedophiles, valuing BuzzFeed, and withholding a police officer's name in Ferguson
August 15, 2014

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Culled from CJR’s own stories, plus the frequently updated “Must-reads from around the Web,” our staff recommendations for the best pieces of journalism (and other miscellany) on the internet, here are your can’t-miss must-reads of the past week:

Can Ferguson police legally withold officer’s name? (CJR) – The protests following the killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown by police have grabbed national headlines. But a key detail is still missing from coverage: Who is the officer who shot the recent high school graduate? 

Print is down, and now out (The New York Times) – Columnist David Carr analyzes the fallout of media conglomerates separating their faltering print operations from lucrative television businesses. 

SEC aggressively investigates media leaks (CJR) – After Reuters reported on one of the most prominent issues of our time — wrongdoing by big banks — Securities and Exchange Commission officials said the outlet would likely have a hard time getting further access to the agency.

The pedophiles who didn’t want to hurt children (The Awl) – A reporter faced huge ethical questions when reporting on the public and mental health crisis. How do you interview a pedophile?

Don’t compare BuzzFeed’s valuation to newspapers’; compare it to agencies’, reaching young, mobile, social audiences (Medium) – Felix Salmon weighs in after BuzzFeed wrangles up $50 million in its latest round of funding: “If you’re looking at this investment and asking how anybody could pay that kind of money for listicles, then you’re looking at this investment all wrong.”

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The Editors are the staffers of the Columbia Journalism Review.