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NYT’s ClintonSenateSeatStakes "Corrective Article"

December 10, 2008

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The trouble with reporting, as the New York Times did yesterday, “Kennedy Is Said To Be Politicking For His Niece”? Allow today’s “Editor’s Note” in the Times to explain:

An article on Tuesday about politicking on behalf of Caroline Kennedy as a possible candidate for the Senate seat being vacated by Hillary Rodham Clinton reported that Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Ms. Kennedy’s uncle, had called Gov. David A. Paterson to advocate for his niece. The information was attributed to Democratic aides, speaking anonymously.

On Tuesday, both Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Paterson said no such conversation had taken place. The Times should have sought their comment before publication. A corrective article is on Page A38.

The headline on today’s “corrective article:” “Patterson Says Kennedy Has Not Called About Niece.”

Yes, ClintonSenateSeatStakes is exciting (for political reporters, anyway), what with MeetThePressStakes having come to an end and CabinetStakes nearly played out. But, haste still makes waste (or, Editor’s Note). Not that this will prevent the next “said to be” story…

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Liz Cox Barrett is a writer at CJR.