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Suffering for The Story in Denver

Whoever labors in the least cushy conditions wins…Respect? Legitimacy? That “blue collar” vote?” Something, apparently. Pity the 38 Washington Post reporters in Denver who, Howard Kurtz...
August 25, 2008

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Whoever labors in the least cushy conditions wins…Respect? Legitimacy? That “blue collar” vote?” Something, apparently.

Pity the 38 Washington Post reporters in Denver who, Howard Kurtz reports, are working in “conditions [that] are hardly glamorous: makeshift desks in an air-conditioned tent with ill-fitting floorboards.”

Soldier on, Kurtz et al, “ill-fitting floorboards” and all (just don’t go blaming some frivolous story later in the week on the strain of toiling on uneven ground).

Meanwhile, David Kurtz describes Talking Point Memo’s “convention headquarters:”

[A] quaint cottage in the shadow of a giant blue neon mortuary sign on the edge of downtown Denver. We’re more or less within walking distance of the convention site, the Pepsi Center, where the NBA’s Nuggets play, but we’re on the opposite side of downtown from most of the major hotels, so in true TPM style it feels like we’re sneaking in through the back door.

And in case you didn’t get that TPM, staying on the wrong side of the tracks and all, is not MSM:

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I’d like to think that we have a slightly different view of things from up on the hill behind the mortuary sign.

Meanwhile, I understand CJR’s reporters in Denver are way, way behind “the mortuary sign,” on the sofa of a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend. And the floors? Dirt.

We win!

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Liz Cox Barrett is a writer at CJR.