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Wemple’s Blog Launches at WaPo Site

June 27, 2011

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Flagging a welcome new addition to the media beat: Erik Wemple, formerly of the Washington City Paper and, is writing an eponymous blog for The Washington Post. The introductory post promises reported opinion blogging “driven by the news and the stupid things that journalists say and do,” plus a focus on some of the author’s “obsessions,” including:

*Hypocrisy: Nothing drives this blog quite as crazy as media organizations that don’t answer questions about their own journalism. A clearer violation of the Golden Rule there never has been. One of my roles will be to call up journalists who don’t respond to media reporters’ calls and ask them why they ducked accountability. I expect this watchdogging to have no impact whatsoever on the behavior of reporters, but I hope it makes for good reading.

Here’s to that!

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Greg Marx is an associate editor at CJR. Follow him on Twitter @gregamarx.