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On his way, apparently, to Israel “to report for the conservative Web site“
Take it away, Jennifer Taylor of WNWO-TV ( NBC24, Toledo, OH):
He intends to get the, often lost, Israeli reason for the offensive against Hamas.
…The 10-day journey hopes to answer that question, by talking with Israeli citizens directly without a politically correct filter.
“I get to go over there and let their ‘average Joes’ share their story, what they think, how they feel, especially with world opinion, maybe get a real story out there,” Wurzelbacher said.
….Joe knows the danger is very real but believes his civic duty is once again calling him to do something bigger than himself.
UPDATE: Speaking of Joe and danger and Israel, remember this? When Fox News’s Shep Smith grilled Joe on why he “went ahead and agreed” with one voter’s claim that a vote for Obama would mean a vote for the death of Israel? (Joe then: “You don’t want my opinion on foreign policy. I know just enough probably to be dangerous…”)
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