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Press Forward

Links to every entry in CJR's Press Forward: Dialogues on the Future of News series
September 8, 2009

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Project Introduction: “News will continue, but what shape will it take? What will the transition from the analog world to the digital mean for news as we have known it? What changes and challenges will this new medium trigger in the genetic structure of news itself? Where is the business going, and how will it get there?”

I. The Purpose of the News, The Purpose of the Net

Common Knowledge – Communal news in a fragmented world

Something to Talk About – The Internet as a communications tool

In Conversation – Megan Garber and Justin Peters talk about the news, the Internet, and the convergence of the two

Further Reading – Annotated reading lists from Megan Garber and Justin Peters

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II. Authority and Credibility

Who Says – Narrative authority in a fragmented world

Trust Falls – Lessons from St. Louis on authority, credibility, and online communications

Further Reading – Annotated reading lists from Megan Garber and Justin Peters

III. Professionalism and Amateurism

IV. Narrative and Knowledge Structures

V. The Content/Platform Relationship

VI. Collaboration and Competition

VII. Dissemination and Impact

VIII. Capitalism and Free Culture

IX. Financing News

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The Editors are the staffers of the Columbia Journalism Review.