the kicker

A King in the White House?

April 20, 2010

“Is Larry King’s CNN Reign Nearing Its End?” wonders Tom Shales in today’s Washington Post, noting that Larry King Live‘s “ratings [are] down 44 percent from previous averages for the first quarter of 2010” and that “panic has ensued.”

More Shales:

Anyone who has watched King’s show lately may have noticed a certain aura of torpor settling in. The program has changed shockingly little in 2 1/2 decades (it celebrates its 25th anniversary in June). King is still good — not the most aggressive or incisive interviewer in the world, not the most confrontational by a long shot, but solid and steady and asking the questions “normal” people would ask and thus want answered.

Which immediately made me think: get this guy to the White House briefing room! Or, maybe, on the Wall Street beat? The campaign trail?

Liz Cox Barrett is a writer at CJR.