Bloomberg gets a taste of transparency March 25, 2014 By Dean Starkman And the controversy over its China coverage reaches a crisis point
Bloomberg News’s deepening China problem March 21, 2014 By Dean Starkman Chairman’s remarks raise serious questions about the news division’s mission in a key market
A new consensus on the future of news February 28, 2014 By Dean Starkman The future isn’t what it used to be, and that’s a good thing
Media convergence: regional newspaper/ national magazine edition February 23, 2014 By Dean Starkman The teams up the Mormon-owned Deseret News for a series on the family
Why Capital New York’s $6,000 paywall will probably work January 27, 2014 By Dean Starkman And why that’s not necessarily good news for news
Vox and Ezra Klein: testing the limits of the digital-news expansion January 27, 2014 By Dean Starkman Will what works for tech and fashion work for policy?
Ezra Klein and the early-mover disadvantage January 22, 2014 By Dean Starkman No one knows if these new personal-franchise journalism ventures are going to work
Tracking digital-era news quality declines January 14, 2014 By Dean Starkman A Tulane student project tracks the Times-Picayune before and after a digital overhaul
The great story January 2, 2014 By Dean Starkman In the run-up to the Great Recession, accountability journalism saw the story that access journalism missed
USA Today‘s stealth tilt toward free content December 23, 2013 By Dean Starkman The paper Al Neuharth built is still grappling with his legacy