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The Week That Was: In Which We Carried on, Then Twittered about It

The week in new media
March 6, 2009

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The Seattle P-I is making moves to become the next online-only. Possibly with only twenty-two employees. And as early as Tuesday.

The LA-based media are also in trouble.

Hearst will join Newsday in attempting to charge for online news. It’s also developing its own e-reader. Amazingly, Amazon doesn’t seem to be worried.

Ex-Rocky journos carried on.

ProPublica will venture into pro-am journalism. But with great power comes great responsibility.

The White House ended its feud with the Gray Lady. But whither The New Republic?

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An Internet meme led to a book deal.

Soon you’ll be able to print your own customized newspaper. (Farhad Manjoo? Vindicated.) But, then, tailored news is nothing new.

Say hello to Ruth Barnett, the first ever Twitter correspondent. (And here’s to the Twitter beat having a longer life than Second Life’s.) Speaking of Twitter, it’s apparently the prettiest gal at the ball. So President Obama invited Twitter founder Evan Williams and twenty other “young business leaders” to the White House for economic advice. Causing Williams to tweet, “[this] must mean they’re *really* out of ideas.”

Speaking of, the Journacolypse got its own Twitter hashtag: #Journageddon.

And…the Huffington Post proposed that CJR oversee a $10 million accountability fund. To which we say: okay, sure!

Oh, and: hello, Web 4.0.

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Megan Garber is an assistant editor at the Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University. She was formerly a CJR staff writer.