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For half a century, the Columbia Journalism Review has assessed the performance of American journalism, becoming an essential read for top leaders in the media industry and a respected voice of press criticism.

Now you can show your support for CJR’s role as media watchdog and advocate for a sustainable, viable and free press by becoming a Charter Member.

Your Charter Memberships benefits include:

  • Subscription to the print magazine
    Two biannual issues of the newly expanded and enhanced Columbia Journalism Review.
  • Members-Only eNewsletter
    Every week, members will receive an update from the editors with insights and previews available only to members.
  • Quarterly Updates from the Editor
    Every three months, members will receive an insider’s report about journalism from the CJR newsroom.

Plus Coming Soon:

  • Invitations to CJR Events and Panel Discussions
    Members will be invited to attend live and live-streamed CJR events and panels.
  • Listing on Membership Page
    In recognition of your support for the CJR mission, all Charter Members will be recognized on the website.
  • Exclusive Members-Only Content
    Only CJR members will have access to select CJR content and resources including the popular “Who Owns What” database.
  • Members-Only Group Forum
    A place for members to discuss what’s on their minds, ask questions, and share experiences.
  • Members-Only Discounts
    Exclusive CJR member discounts at other affiliated organizations.
  • Exclusive Members-Only Monthly Call-in
    CJR members will have access to a monthly presentation/conversation with the editor about important topics of the month.

