Is the Trump Administration trying to bait aggressive reporters when it offers up “alternative facts”? What does a recent New York Times report tell us about the way its business model and editorial strategy are changing? How should journalists respond to charges of a media conspiracy?
We discuss that and more this week on The Kicker, where I’m joined by Tow Editor Nausicaa Renner, Delacorte Fellow Pete Vernon, and Senior Editor Christie Chisholm.
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Show Notes
- “Journalism that stands apart: The report of the 2020 group,” by The New York Times
- “As Times looks to future, some advice: Learn to let go,” by Liz Spayd, The New York Times
- “Axios aims to speak the language of the swamp,” by David Uberti, CJR
- “Inside (The) Information,” Merissa Marr, CJR
- “Don’t let Trump get away with ‘alternative facts‘,” by David Uberti, CJR
- “In the story of Trump, there is no story,” by Lee Seigel, CJR
- “Donald Trump is gaslighting America,” by Lauren Duca, Teen Vogue
- “An open letter to Trump from the US press corps,” by Kyle Pope, CJR