In light of the ongoing news surrounding allegations of sexual harassment within news media organizations, the Columbia Journalism Review is conducting a survey of the industry to learn more about the way newsrooms around the country handle such claims. We are hoping to better understand the policies and procedures in place that help maintain safe workplaces for journalists, especially as they do the difficult work of reporting on similar problems in other industries. We are hoping to demonstrate that as an industry, we are capable of answering the same hard questions we pose to others every day. To do so, we need your help.
We know this is a significant request, but we believe it is a crucial one. We’d appreciate your participation, and are available to answer your questions or offer whatever help we can as you fill out the following questionnaire. We are collecting responses from three surveys, each designed for a difference audience: newsroom management, newsroom staff, and freelance journalists.
For staff and freelance responders, CJR will not publish your name, email address, or any other personally identifying information without your explicit consent.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our editorial team at or at (212) 854-1881.
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Thank you!
If you are a manager or human resources representative of a media organization, please tell us about your newsroom’s policies on reporting sexual misconduct. | Submit to management survey
If you are a staff member of a media organization, please tell us about your understanding of your newsroom’s sexual misconduct policies—and if you choose to share, about your personal experiences navigating them. CJR will not publish your name, email address, or any other personally identifying information without your explicit consent. | Submit to staff survey
If you are a freelance or independent journalist, please tell us about your understanding of sexual misconduct policies at newsrooms with which you work—and if you choose to share, about your personal experiences navigating them. CJR will not publish your name, email address, or any other personally identifying information without your explicit consent. | Submit to freelance survey