A reporting collaborative takes on a California health plague August 9, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman Working together, local journalists tackle valley fever and produce a laurel-worthy effort
Exchange Watch: California Dreaming June 5, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman Low healthcare premiums on the West Coast were trumpeted as a big, good-news Obamacare story. But: "Compared to what?"
The undercovered dark cloud in the shrinking-deficit story May 30, 2013 By David Cay Johnston Flurry of articles was welcome, but some cautionary notes deserved greater play
Keeping up with the bullet train April 18, 2013 By John Mecklin An immensely ambitious project requires hugely creative coverage. California had it, for a while. Time to try again?
Rate Regulation Blow-up in California September 6, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman WellPoint and co. win again
L.A. Times Breaks Schwarzenegger Love Child Story May 17, 2011 By Joel Meares As restrained a sex-scandal story as you’re likely to get
Quaking in California March 22, 2011 By Curtis Brainard Articles about the “big one” short on science
Database Shows L.A. its "Worst Legislator" November 12, 2010 By Joel Meares But is it fair? And is it news?
How The West Was Lost November 5, 2010 By Joel Meares California Watch Rummages Through Whitman’s Purse