How should news organizations handle graphic content in the social media age? September 24, 2015 By Jack Murtha
Changing the US hostage policy December 8, 2014 By Joel Simon Obama’s review of kidnappings is a good first step, but it isn’t enough
The New York Times recreates ISIS captivity of Foley, Sotloff [UPDATED] October 27, 2014 By David Uberti Blockbuster story details the imprisonment and torture of Western hostages
After James Foley: News leaders divided on how to handle kidnapped reporters September 10, 2014 By David Uberti Split on full display at Columbia Journalism School panel discussion
Is it time to end media blackouts? September 3, 2014 By Joel Simon The head of the Committee to Protect Journalists believes it’s no longer an effective strategy
To publish or not: James Foley video spotlights media’s tough call August 22, 2014 By Christopher Massie Remnick, Baquet and other editors discuss their decisions about when to publish disturbing images
Finding James Foley May 3, 2013 By Curtis Brainard GlobalPost tracked down its missing reporter in Syria–now to bring him home