Giving a baron too big a pass November 26, 2013 By Dave Marash Murdoch’s World avoids implicating Rupert Murdoch for his lawbreaking
Free speech threats in the US and UK October 1, 2013 By Mick Hume It’s time to make a stand for freedom of expression and the freedom of the press with no ifs or buts
Audit Notes: News of the World‘s thugs, Occupy impact, nonprofit news September 18, 2012 By Ryan Chittum Allegations that the paper’s gumshoes broke into houses looking for dirt
Murdoch may sell his British papers May 19, 2012 By Emily Bell The British press asserts the embattled mogul may ditch the papers under phone hacking scrutiny
Murdoch takes a bow April 26, 2012 By Emily Bell If the Leveson Inquiries revealed anything, it was that the News Corp. chief’s self perceptions make entertaining viewing
Audit Notes: The Milken Memory Hole, The Ax Murder and the NotW, Yahoo August 19, 2011 By Ryan Chittum
What Rupert Wrote July 28, 2011 By Michael Castenegra Insight from a pre-scandal letter to News Corp. stockholders
Tracing the Hacking Scandal’s Medieval Roots July 25, 2011 By Arthur Jones The (mis-) education of the British Empire’s Boy Reporters
Around the World in Two and a Half Weeks July 22, 2011 By Alysia Santo A roundup of CJR’s coverage since #hackgate imploded
The Murdochs and the MPs July 19, 2011 By Felix Salmon Survival, but no one is taking their answers at face value.
The Mirror‘s Dodgy “9/11 Hacking” Story July 14, 2011 By Dean Starkman A piece that triggers an FBI probe reports no actual hacking and its information is third-hand
News Corp.: Barometer Rising July 11, 2011 By Dean Starkman "Some of the activity clearly was illegal."
Bad Parent July 11, 2011 By Dean Starkman Reading The Wall Street Journal‘s hamstrung coverage of its owner, News Corp.
This Is How the World ends… July 7, 2011 By Archie Bland A cynical and fitting sacrifice for the News of The World