Casting a critical eye on Rick Perry’s border deployment December 11, 2014 By Richard Parker What was the mission for the Texas National Guard? Was it accomplished? Time for reporters to take stock
Invasion of the Job Snatcher September 6, 2013 By Deron Lee As the Missouri media takes up arms against Rick Perry, some facts and context get lost in the fray
Who is Greg Abbott? July 24, 2013 By Richard Parker Texans still don’t know enough about the man who aspires to replace Rick Perry
Lone Star politics: anything but dull January 28, 2013 By Richard Parker The Texas press braces for the part-timers and out-of-towners of the 83rd legislature
Deep Health Care Problems under Rick Perry’s Watch September 14, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman Deep in the heart of Texas
The Facts Ma’am—Just the Facts August 29, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman Rick Perry dodges Social Security questions, while CNBC explains
A State-Backed Miracle August 17, 2011 By Greg Marx As Perry pushes Texas boom, the press shouldn’t forget one reason behind it