Addressing the asymmetry question December 11, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan Factchecking is the wrong format
Big data, in the dark December 10, 2012 By Sam Petulla Lack of transparency around campaigns’ use of data creates challenges for reporters
The future of factchecking November 29, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan Here’s what journalists should learn from the 2012 campaign
Can people afford to lose their Social Security COLA? November 29, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman So far, the press has given this public policy concern the brush off
What if there are fewer polls in 2016? November 27, 2012 By Walter Shapiro Is the editor-in-chief of Gallup’s warning a nightmare vision or… sort of beguiling?
Hope and change in unlikely places November 16, 2012 By Walter Shapiro Three cheers for campaign coverage from BuzzFeed and the Los Angeles Times
Predictable in retrospect November 13, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan The dangers of hindsight bias in election postmortems
What happened, anyway? November 13, 2012 By Walter Shapiro The election may be over, but the self-protective spin is not
A dart to Yahoo Finance November 12, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman For utterly confusing its readers about Social Security
The fiscal whatchamacallit November 9, 2012 By Greg Marx Media’s embrace of “fiscal cliff” obscures the real story about budget negotiations
The Ad Wars: Was outside money futile? November 8, 2012 By Sasha Chavkin After Election Day, the press seizes on a new conventional wisdom
Digital innovation on election night: a report November 7, 2012 By Mike Hoyt From CJR and Tow Center’s “meta newsroom”
How to cover the presidential results November 7, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan A guide for journalists on election fundamentals and campaign effects
Three questions about campaign coverage November 2, 2012 By Walter Shapiro How the media can do better the next time around (Or, “NOW FOR THE HARD PART”)
The Ad Wars: Romney’s Last-Minute Deceptions November 1, 2012 By Sasha Chavkin Swing state reporters—watch for ninth-inning spitballs
Pundits versus probabilities October 30, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan The misguided backlash against Nate Silver
The most potent spin: lies campaigns tell themselves October 26, 2012 By Walter Shapiro Plus: is a split between the popular vote and Electoral College really so rare?
The momentum behind a misleading narrative October 26, 2012 By Brendan Nyhan Why reporters have been getting the polls wrong in the presidential race
Ask Obama This: Will we have to be older to get Medicare? October 26, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman We know about Romney’s vouchers, but the president is quiet on the subject of raising eligibility
Ask Obama This: Can you imagine criminal justice reform? October 24, 2012 By Farai Chideya A nearly forgotten topic that impacts the budget, families, and communities
Ask Obama and Romney this: What about climate change? October 24, 2012 By Curtis Brainard Schieffer misses media’s last chance to pop the question on a big stage
The Ad Wars: Obama’s special message in Spanish October 23, 2012 By Sasha Chavkin A review of Obama’s and Romney’s Spanish-language TV ads finds contrasts in style, strategy, and sophistication
Ask Obama and Romney this: Where is Africa? October 23, 2012 By Howard W. French An enormous opportunity for the US could slip past
Ask Obama and Romney This: What if China squares off with Japan? October 22, 2012 By Howard W. French An emerging, and little discussed, dilemma
How could voters still be undecided? Try asking them October 19, 2012 By Walter Shapiro Plus, why this veteran campaign correspondent is focused on swing-state polls
The ‘Man in the Middle’ hits a healthcare Catch-22 October 18, 2012 By Trudy Lieberman Å family falls through a gap in Obamacare
The Ad Wars: Is the IRS throwing in the towel on political nonprofits? October 16, 2012 By Sasha Chavkin Politico identifies thirteen "social welfare" groups misleading the IRS
The Ad Wars: how to expose a dishonest ‘Social Welfare’ group October 12, 2012 By Sasha Chavkin Telling the IRS one thing, then doing another
Time to head to the track October 11, 2012 By Walter Shapiro With voting underway, there’s nothing wrong with providing the horse race coverage readers crave