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Energy Journalism
All Green To Me: An eclectic energy and environment Web site from The News Journal in Wilmington, Delaware.
Bloomberg: This financial and numbers-based energy section tends to focus on energy markets and the big firms.
Chicago Tribune: The paper’s renewable energy topic page.
Coal Tattoo: Environment reporter Ken Ward Jr.’s blog at The Charleston Gazette – one of the best sources of news on the coal industry in Appalachia and nationwide.
Discover: A list of the magazine’s alternative energy-related articles. See also the magazine’s special section on Energy Without Limits, from June 2009, and What Will Fuel the Future, from October 2008.
Energy & Environment Publishing: Perhaps the most comprehensive source of energy coverage available online. The site publishes Greenwire, ClimateWire, and other newsletters; contains free and subscription-only content.
Energy & Environment Experts: A unique blog from the National Journal, in which an editor poses a question per week and a group of selected experts respond.
Energy Source: An excellent blog from the Financial Times with frequent posts, links to energy news from the paper, energy-related news videos, and other resources.
e2 Energy: PBS’s ongoing series about transformations and innovations in global energy supply and demand, comprising six 30-minute chapters. See also The Big Energy Gamble, an hour-long special report from NOVA on California’s energy economy and policies.
Forbes: The magazine’s energy and climate change news page. See also its special issue on alternative energy, Energy + Genius, from October 2008.
Green Fields: An agriculture and alternative energy blog from The Des Moines Register that has a local business flavor from the farm belt.
Green Tech: CNet News’s energy blog.
Green Wombat: CNN & Fortune magazine’s environment and technology blog.
Houston Chronicle: The paper’s online energy portal with links to articles, multimedia, and special reports; see also its blog, NewsWatch: Energy.
ISP News: The Energy Crunch section of this development-focused wire service is a strong source of global reporting from the field.
Nature: The journal’s 2009 special issue on energy (supported by Total oil company).
New Scientist: The magazine’s Energy and Fuels portal focusing on technology and science.
Sacramento Bee: The paper maintains two useful topic pages – Energy Projects and Energy Prices – which group energy stories from the Bee and around the Web.
San Jose Mercury News (Calif.): The paper’s Green Energy portal with links to news articles and special sections.
Science: Energy-related news and analysis from ScienceInsider, the journal’s science policy blog.
Scientific American: The magazine’s energy portal, replete with articles, videos, slideshows, and podcasts. Also in the must read category are Scientific American’s “in-depth reports” on alternative energy, energy efficiency, nuclear power, and carbon capture and storage.
Technology Review (MIT): The magazine’s energy portal; see also its blog, Potential Energy.
The Economist: All around excellent energy coverage. Don’t miss the magazine’s special report, The Future of Energy.
The Guardian: The paper’s energy portal, where reporting tends to focus on renewables rather than fossil fuels, including Q&As with experts on various forms of alternative energy.
The Switch: A special series from Oregon Public Broadcasting exploring the state’s energy economy.
The New York Times: The paper of record’s Energy & Environment portal, featuring links to a variety of media projects and a useful Energy Topics Guide, which handles various energy sources (wind, biofuels, coal, etc.) on an individual basis. See also Green Inc. , the paper’s business and environment blog, and The Energy Challenge, its groundbreaking series, which ran from 2006 until 2008.
The Wall Street Journal: The paper’s online energy portal, including articles as well as links to its excellent special reports on energy. See also the Environmental Capital blog, featuring Green Ink, a must-read morning roundup of energy and environment news. Contains free and subscription-only content.
The Washington Post: The paper’s Green page pulls together energy and environment news related to “science, policy, and living.” See also Voices on Green special report, featuring short videos on alternative energy ideas.
Yale Environment 360: The online startup’s energy topic page.
Independent Blogs & Aggregators
Alternative Energy News: An aggregator of energy news, opinion, and commentary designed to promote the development and deployment of renewable energy sources.
BNet Energy: An aggregator of energy news designed for business professionals.
Breakthrough Blog: Energy archives from the blog of The Breakthrough Institute, a progressive think tank focusing on clean energy and sustainable development.
Center for American Progress: The progressive think tank’s, Energy & Environment portal; see also the center’s Climate Progress blog, run by Joseph Romm, the acting Assistant Secretary of Energy for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy during the Clinton Administration.
Earth2Tech: One of the leading blogs covering all aspects of energy technology, including automotive, buildings, information technology, and storage.
Energy Bulletin: A leading aggregator of energy news and information.
Energy Outlook: An insightful blog run by Geoffrey Styles, Managing Director of GSW Strategy Group, LLC, an energy and environmental strategy consulting firm.
Get Energy Smart Now!: A popular blog run by Adam Siegel, which advocates for the development and deployment of clean and sustainable energy policies and technologies.
Grist: The online environment magazine’s climate and energy page, with news and commentary on global warming, the impact of fossil fuels, and alternative energy options.
R-Squared Energy Blog: An informative blog run by chemical engineer Robert Rapier, a frequent contributor to The Oil Drum blog.
The DoD Energy Blog: A blog tracking energy-related issues at the U.S. Department of Defense; run by Andy Bochman.
The Energy Collective: An aggregator of energy news, opinion, and commentary.
The Oil Drum: An excellent blog covering all aspects of energy policy and technology with numerous contributors; run by Kyle Saunders, an associate professor of political science at Colorado State University.
WattHead: An insightful energy blog with multiple contributors run by Jesse Jenkins, Director of Energy and Climate Policy at the Breakthrough Institute.
Watts Up With That?: One of the most popular science blogs online, with multiple contributors offering a skeptical perspective on clean energy and climate change issues; run by broadcast meteorologist Anthony Watts.
Energy Resources – Governmental
Congressional Budget Office: The office’s Energy and Natural Resources page, with links to various energy-related cost-benefit analyses.
Energy Star: Energy efficiency program jointly managed by the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Environmental Protection Agency: The agency’s Clean Energy portal, with information about personal energy use; clean energy programs; and local, state, and national energy efficiency initiatives.
European Commission: The commission’s energy portal, with links to policies, projects, and research throughout the European Union.
International Atomic Energy Agency: United Nations agency that promotes the safe and secure development of nuclear power.
International Energy Agency: An intergovernmental organization providing international energy statistics and forecasts.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory: The U.S.’s primary laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development (R&D), run by the Department of Energy.
U.S. Department of Energy: A starting point for information related to all facets of energy research, including technology, efficiency, national security, and health and safety.
U.S. Energy Information Association: Official statistics and forecasts from the Department of Energy.
U.S. House of Representatives: Committee on Energy and Commerce.
U.S. Senate: Environment and Public Works Committee.
United Nations: Energy statistics from more than 190 countries worldwide.
Energy Resources – Academic
America’s Energy Future: A four-year project launched by the National Academy of Sciences in 2007 to provide estimates of the current contributions and future potential of existing and new energy technologies.
Energy@Berkeley: The University of California, Berkeley’s energy technologies portal.
Columbia University: The Earth Institute’s energy portal, with links to research and news.
Global Climate and Energy Project: Stanford University’s research and development project for clean energy technologies.
Harvard’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs: Energy policy analysis from the Kennedy School of Government, including “Acting in Time on Energy Policy,” a brief on current priorities.
MIT Energy Initiative: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s energy technologies portal.
Energy Resources – Other
American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity: A coal industry trade group that promotes low-emissions technologies.
American Council on Renewable Energy: The trade group representing businesses in all renewable energy sectors, including wind, solar, geothermal, biomass and biofuels, hydropower, tidal/current energy, and waste energy.
American Gas Association: A trade group representing the natural gas industry.
American Petroleum Institute: The oil and natural gas industry’s principal trade group.
EarthTrends: A project of the World Resources Institute; the Energy and Resources section has consumption and production data for most countries.
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI): A non-profit research institute based in Delhi, India, which focuses on energy policy and technology and promotes sustainable development. Its director general is Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Greenpeace: The environmental group’s Energy [R]evolution report.
IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates: Preeminent energy consulting firm’s Web site, with links to energy research organized by fuel type, region, and topic.
McKinsey & Company: The consulting giant’s research topics page for energy markets.
Nuclear Energy Institute: The nuclear power industry’s principal trade group.
Sierra Club: The environmental group’s Clean Energy Solutions portal.
World Energy Council: A non-profit group based in the United Kingdom representing fossil fuel as well as clean energy interests, with members in 100 countries representing energy.
World Renewable Energy Congress/Network: Non-profit group based in the United Kingdom and associated with UNESCO; promotes renewable energy technologies.
Climate Change Resources: Columbia Journalism Review’s list of climate-related journalism and primary information sources.
Knight Science Journalism Tracker: Veteran science journalist Charles Petit blogs daily on the latest science and environmental news on this site sponsored by MIT’s Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Program. He compares print and broadcast on a given story, including press releases and links to the coverage.
Society of Environmental Journalists: A professional journalists’ organization, which provides links and summaries of everything a reporter needs to cover environmental issues such as energy.
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