Must-reads of the week July 25, 2014 By David Uberti Bloomberg struggles to find direction, the Times is accused of anti-Israel bias, and the New Yorker opens its archives to the public
What coverage of New York’s ‘surprise billing’ fix left out April 9, 2014 By Trudy Lieberman The fight between doctors and insurers is an important one to keep watching
The Great Cost Shift comes into focus December 24, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman It’s time for the press to lead a conversation about who bears healthcare costs
How do you cover a bankrupt city? October 25, 2013 By Anna Clark Reporters from Detroit’s two dailies on chasing a "life-altering, precedent-setting" story
Missing context on JP Morgan October 24, 2013 By David Cay Johnston A liberal columnist tries the math that the business press should have done
Audit Notes: 77 and flipping burgers, banks press their luck, Slate September 24, 2013 By Ryan Chittum A Bloomberg profile offers a glimpse of the coming retirement crisis
It’s the second term, stupid! September 19, 2013 By Brendan Nyhan Why journalists shouldn’t blame all of Obama’s problems on Syria
Audit Notes: Bloomberg snoops, Alan Abelson, Niall in denial May 10, 2013 By Ryan Chittum And the New York Post scoops
Stories I’d like to see February 5, 2013 By Steven Brill Lying to the SEC, A-Rod’s contract, everybody gets hacked
Financial reporting, for pros and the public January 15, 2013 By Peter Sterne A panel of top financial journalists consider their true audience
Romney’s gift to reporters October 2, 2012 By Ryan Chittum A Bloomberg investigation details yet another aspect of the candidate’s tax avoidance
Audit Notes: Bloomberg on Libor, "can’t find workers" in the WSJ July 20, 2012 By Ryan Chittum At least 34 traders are under investigation in the widening scandal
Audit notes: News Corp.’s board, Lehman’s hubris, Awards and Slideshows May 8, 2012 By Ryan Chittum David Carr eyes Rupert Murdoch’s crony-filled board of directors
Q&A: Eric Roston, Bloomberg’s sustainability editor February 16, 2012 By Curtis Brainard A new section tracks businesses’ response to the global “resource crunch”
The Murky Politics of the Payroll Tax December 6, 2011 By Trudy Lieberman The media begin to step in the muck
A Broken Lede June 13, 2011 By Greg Marx The government isn’t “broke.” Reporters should stop saying it is.
Bloomberg Digs on Secret Money May 24, 2011 By Liz Cox Barrett A report on unreported election spending
Skimpy Coverage of Levin-Coburn Report From WSJ, NYT April 15, 2011 By Ryan Chittum McClatchy, The Huffington Post, and Bloomberg are much better
Good Consolidation Coverage for a Change on AT&T Deal March 21, 2011 By Ryan Chittum The business press is skeptical of creating a duopoly in cell phone service
Audit Notes: The Bloomberg Way, Conflicts in Congress, Apple and Wikileakspedia December 21, 2010 By Ryan Chittum
Audit Notes: Deal Scoops; Gasparino on the Economy, Bloomberg Editorials December 16, 2010 By Ryan Chittum
Remember When No Meant No December 13, 2010 By Joel Meares The Bloomberg-denies-running story industry