Brief Encounters January 2, 2013 By James Boylan Short reviews of A Journalist’s Diplomatic Mission and The Noir Forties
Unfinished business January 2, 2013 By Michael Canyon Meyer A new biography of photojournalist Tim Hetherington reflects on a too-short career
Fait inaccompli January 2, 2013 By Justin Peters Why the world failed to rebuild Haiti after the earthquake
A beautiful mind January 2, 2013 By Jennifer Gonnerman In Is There No Place on Earth for Me?, Susan Sheehan told the complete story of one woman’s struggles with schizophrenia
Through the looking glass January 2, 2013 By Soomin Seo When a South Korean reporter headed north across the DMZ, she entered a parallel universe that was, and remains, curiouser and curiouser
Staying alive January 2, 2013 By Judith Matloff That’s the challenge for reporters covering the ultraviolent drug cartels in Mexico — but at least now they’re getting tips from their Colombian colleagues
Where truth is a hard cell January 2, 2013 By Stephen Franklin Although seen as modern and West-leaning, Turkey leads the world in jailing journalists
Power vacuum January 2, 2013 By Simon Akam Working in Sierra Leone is a constant search for current and currency
Fundamental objections January 2, 2013 By Kiran Nazish Reporters in Pakistan’s lawless tribal areas are under threat, underpaid, and overwhelmed
Snow job? January 2, 2013 By Sasha Chavkin In the 2012 election, Denver broadcasters accepted an avalanche of political ads and the attendant windfall of revenue. Where did that money go, and what happens next time?
Another round of Cosmos January 2, 2013 By Curtis Brainard An American popular scientist in the Carl Sagan tradition, Neil deGrasse Tyson explains why he tweets, and why the US needs to rediscover its space mojo
You’ve got shale! January 2, 2013 By Brent Cunningham Brian Cohen and the Marcellus Shale Documentary Project
Safe at the plate? January 2, 2013 By Helena Bottemiller Every few months, an outbreak of foodborne illness roils the nation. But a byzantine regulatory system and a patchwork approach to coverage in depleted newsrooms ensures the press is always playing catch-up on the food-safety story.
Chemical reaction January 2, 2013 By Fred Schruers HuffPost’s Cara Santa Maria wants to ‘Talk Nerdy’ to you
‘Survival of the wrongest’ January 2, 2013 By David H. Freedman How personal-health journalism ignores the fundamental pitfalls baked into all scientific research and serves up a daily diet of unreliable information
The Lower Case January 2, 2013 By The Editors Headlines that editors probably wish they could take back
Letters to the editor January 2, 2013 By The Editors Readers respond to our November / December issue