How Iowa reporters are teaming up to cover a tight Senate race September 29, 2014 By Deron Lee Eight papers use a new transparency tool to get a handle on the political ad wars
Embedded with the Koch brothers July 25, 2014 By Deron Lee Hometown reporters get rare access to the media-shy oilmen, with mixed results
Hogs, guns, and money June 27, 2014 By Deron Lee We heard about a Senate candidate’s "Make ’em squeal" ad. The outside spending that supported her? Not so much
The Obamacare ad wars begin July 11, 2013 By Trudy Lieberman An opening salvo from conservatives scores low on honesty, and some reporters have noticed
Pass the #popcorn May 14, 2013 By Sara Morrison ICYMI: Mickey Kaus takes on BuzzFeed’s Ben Smith and his Koch-funded immigration summit
Audit Notes: Awful on Bangladesh, the Kochtopus, US day care April 29, 2013 By Ryan Chittum Slate’s Matthew Yglesias gets it very wrong on workers and safety standards
The Koch brothers’ media investment [UPDATED] April 22, 2013 By Sasha Chavkin They are maneuvering to buy the Tribune chain. A look at gives some clues about what that might mean