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‘Missed you guys,’ Sanders tells press corps. But did we miss her?

January 29, 2019

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“Shampoo the carpets, take the sheets off the chandeliers!” Those words, emailed around by a pool reporter and shared on Twitter by the BBC’s Jon Sopel, announced to the White House press corps that Sarah Huckabee Sanders, President Trump’s press secretary, would hold a rare on-camera briefing yesterday—her first in 41 days.

Since the heady days of Sean Spicer, record crowd sizes, banned cameras, and Skype drop-ins, the on-camera White House press briefing has become critically endangered, if not extinct. According to The New York Times’s Karen Yourish and Jasmine C. Lee, the monthly frequency of briefings has tailed off sharply since last summer, leaving 2018’s monthly average the lowest of any year since the Clinton administration routinized televised briefings in the 1990s. Last week, Hogan Gidley, the White House spokesman apparently known to Trump as “Hogan Tidley,” told Fox that regular briefings aren’t necessary because reporters have frequent access to the president. But past administrations haven’t treated the briefing as just a top-up. And later in the day, Trump publicly undercut Gidley, tweeting that he’d told Sanders “not to bother” going to the podium because “the press covers her so rudely & inaccurately.”

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It was thus a surprise when Sanders did emerge yesterday, telling the assembled press corps she’d “missed you guys.” Whether the public had missed her is open to question. High-profile critics such as Jay Rosen, a professor at NYU, and Mike Allen, the co-founder of Axios, have argued since the early days of this administration that the briefing isn’t worth serious journalists’ time. Last week, Bloomberg’s Joshua Green echoed that sentiment on Real Time With Bill Maher: “What’s the point?” Green asked. “Sarah Sanders will get out and lie to journalists. There really isn’t any value.”

True to form, Sanders used yesterday’s briefing to stonewall on the shutdown, Roger Stone, and more, and take digs at reporters. “I never thought I’d be shutting down one reporter to go to Jim Acosta,” she smirked at one point.

“Since I know so little about this, let me ask you a couple of questions and maybe I can educate myself,” Fox’s John Roberts, who is not currently in Trump’s good books, said. “At least we’re in agreement on something,” Sanders replied. After a pause, she smiled and said, “Joke.” Roberts deadpanned a laugh. Ironically, Fox was the only cable network to carry the briefing live. MSNBC and CNN both stuck with scheduled programming.

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As Martha Joynt Kumar, director of the White House Transition Project, told the Times, the Trump administration has tended to use the briefing “to promote the president and his agenda rather than as a medium where reporters establish the subjects under discussion and call upon the White House to answer to the American public on topics of their choosing.” Nonetheless, Kumar told NPR late last year that the briefing is “an important forum for the public, and we shouldn’t let it go.” While the information on offer is rarely reliable, the briefing has remained a precious opportunity for reporters from smaller outlets to put their questions to power, and for reporters from bigger outlets to pose questions on a broad range of important topics. Yesterday, for example, The Washington Post’s Josh Dawsey pressed Sanders hard on why Trump, the immigration hardliner, had consistently employed undocumented immigrants in his businesses.

Yes, briefings often descend into unhelpful showboating and bluster, on both sides of the podium. When it comes to reporting on the White House, it is neither the only, nor the most important, spigot in town. But the White House press briefing isn’t like a Trump TV address or rally, where falsehoods spew forth unchallenged. Instead, it is an opportunity to hold power to account, and we shouldn’t urge it out of existence. As Olivier Knox, president of the White House Correspondents’ Association, told CNN last year, the briefing “symbolically shows that the most powerful political institution in American life is not above being questioned.”

Below, more on the information flow from the White House:

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  • BuzzFeed’s national desk, which was eliminated on Friday, published its final story yesterday. Tyler Kingkade reported from an Indiana high school where administrators blocked a student journalist from covering specific assault charges against a classmate, as well as the broader topic of sexual misconduct on campus. In the #MeToo era, image-conscious schools across the country have increasingly censored student media, Kingkade found.
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Jon Allsop is a freelance journalist whose work has appeared in the New York Review of Books, The New Yorker, and The Atlantic, among other outlets. He writes CJR’s newsletter The Media Today. Find him on Twitter @Jon_Allsop.