Facebook drains the fake news swamp with new, experimental partnerships December 15, 2016 By Emily Bell
BuzzFeed’s pro tennis investigation displays ethical dilemmas of data journalism November 16, 2016 By Nicholas Diakopoulos
Social media censorship in Bangladesh hints at long-term problems for publishers December 2, 2015 By Damaris Colhoun
How should news organizations handle graphic content in the social media age? September 24, 2015 By Jack Murtha
Digital news consumers unlikely to pay for content and increasingly block ads June 15, 2015 By Michael Rosenwald
Is hiring journalists such a good idea for Instagram? February 4, 2015 By Damaris Colhoun Tech companies like Tumblr and Twitter did the same thing to help branding efforts, and both later decided it was a bad plan
The ethics of saying ‘sorry’ January 29, 2015 By Monica Guzman Should journalists apologize when their stories take off without them?
Mathias Döpfner, digital counterrevolutionary November 20, 2014 By Corey Pein Axel Springer chief predicts US will eventually join Europe in the fight against the dominance of Google, Facebook, and other tech titans
The news business should refuse Facebook’s deal October 29, 2014 By Ryan Chittum The lure of online ad revenue isn’t worth surrendering news judgment to Zuckerberg’s algorithm
4 lessons on how Americans consume political news October 22, 2014 By David Uberti Pew report shows how polarization affects media choice and trust
Facebook’s war on clickbait unlikely to do much good August 28, 2014 By Ryan Chittum Publishers who cheer the move should know that Zuckerberg & Co. can turn off the traffic spigot whenever it suits them
News on social media suffers a ‘spiral of silence’: Pew study August 26, 2014 By Chris Ip What gets us chatting–or shutting up–about the news?