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November 12, 2010

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Turns out Parker/Spitzer is still on the air. And, heck, the show is even making news thanks to former governor, Facebook aficionado, media critic, Fox Newser, and reality star Sarah Palin. Sort of.

Last night Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer had documentary filmmaker John Ziegler on the show to discuss his new film, “Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was Targeted.” Ziegler accused Parker—a conservative columnist for The Washington Post—of endorsing Obama in 2008. “I don’t endorse anyone,” she retorted. Things looked to be getting testy. Then Ziegler pressed Parker on whether she was “duped” by Obama into believing he was a moderate. Parker moved back, saying, “Oh listen to you, I’m the interviewer here.” When Ziegler then accused her of participating in the assassination of “Sarah Palin 1.0”—err, what’s that?—Parker ate him for breakfast. Finger pointed forward, Parker responded: “Actually, I did not take part in it, I led it, okay let’s be clear.” Then she added:

“On September 26, 2008, I said that she was out of her league, and I have rested my case so many times that I don’t need to bring that up again.”

As Mediaite noted in their report, it was Parker’s counterpart, Spitzer, who actually had the most interesting, if less attention-grabbing, thoughts on the subject. He interjected to say, “Every person in his or her own way views the world through their prism, and isn’t it better to say to the public, ‘Understand that,’ than to live in the puerile world where you pretend there’s objectivity?” Keith Olbermann might have something to add.

Palin—un-assassinated—chimed in this morning from her hyperactive Twitter feed. Quoth @SarahPalinUSA:

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Parker: appreciate your admittance. Now, I’m still standing; Standing by family, faith & flag. Who do u stand by today?

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Joel Meares is a former CJR assistant editor.