Human capital November 1, 2012 By Stefan Beck In O Albany!, William Kennedy pays homage to the hard-to-love city that is his novels’ greatest hero
Brief Encounters November 1, 2012 By James Boylan Short reviews of Out of the News, The Way the World Works: Essays, and The Stammering Century
The future’s so bright … November 1, 2012 By Justin Peters How to save the world while paying people with beer and hugs
Color blind November 1, 2012 By Amanda Hess When white men and three networks ruled the media, coverage of race was … better? Damn you, Internet!
Flag on the play November 1, 2012 By Tim Marchman Why a great sportswriter blew the story of a lifetime; the undoing of Joe Paterno
Innovator’s lament November 1, 2012 By Michael Schudson and Katherine Fink Shouldn’t trailblazers be allowed to establish new standards of success?
The Lower Case November 1, 2012 By The Editors Headlines that editors probably wish they could take back
The fame game November 1, 2012 By The Editors Just in time for Hollywood awards season, CJR shines a Klieg light on entertainment journalism—a sometimes deprecated but highly influential corner of the craft.
Talk to the hand November 1, 2012 By Sara Morrison A long-running journalism inside joke gets new (after?)life
Lost and found November 1, 2012 By Bruce Porter In 1967, an ambitious young reporter broke a promise to a troubled source and inadvertently made her famous. Forty-three years later, he set out to find her and apologize.
Going to great lengths November 1, 2012 By Michael Canyon Meyer After two years as the hot new thing, the e-singles market is getting serious—and crowded
Avoiding pilot error November 1, 2012 By Cyndi Stivers By tracking its users’ intent to watch fall shows, handicaps the new TV season
Taking the seen-it route November 1, 2012 By Sara Morrison Why toil as an entry-level slave when you can watch a lot of TV, write it up, build a following—and perhaps even get paid?
The red-carpet treatment November 1, 2012 By Cyndi Stivers Set the Wayback Machine to April 9, 1984. The stars are filing into the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles for the 56th Academy Awards . . .
Gross misunderstanding November 1, 2012 By Edward Jay Epstein What journalists miss about the movie business
In cold type November 1, 2012 By Douglas McCollam When Truman Capote set out to profile Marlon Brando for The New Yorker in 1957, he knew just how to set his traps
Rules of the game November 1, 2012 By Reid Rosefelt The sometimes nauseating, often fun, and always absurd life of a movie publicist
Questionable taste November 1, 2012 By Cyndi Stivers Ricky Gervais describes the pleasures and pitfalls of being interviewed