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The Week that Was: In Which We Said Goodnight, and Good Luck

The week in new media
March 20, 2009

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SXSW Interactive: innovative and instructive, or annoyingly self-indulgent? Either way, maybe newspapers (yes, newspapers!) can learn something from the festival.

Josh Marshall asks readers for a favor. Thousands of them–15,000–comply.

MinnPost looks for microsponsors. And takes aim at Craigslist.

Claire McCaskill gets a blog. Sean Hannity gets a Twitter account. Dick Cheney has a Kindle.

Jarvis v. Mutter, round 812. And the iPhone leads to a mistrial.

New media find new ways to foster governmental transparency, on both municipal and national levels. Keep ’em coming.

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Starting a news startup? Start here. And feel free to use the Spot.Us platform. But careful with The Huffington Post’s model; Arianna might well have a lawsuit in her future.

RIP, Seattle Post-Intelligencer. (Does the death of the print P-I mean more competition in Seattle?) And good luck,

Micah Sifry has three modest proposals for the online P-I and other outlets. And Nancy Pelosi goes to bat for the Chronicle.

A study shows that readership of French papers rose in 2008. Vive la (lack of) indifference. In the US, newspaper Web sites’ unique visitors are on the rise. (One way to encourage papers’ readership? Tax incentives.) In the meantime, PBS considers the changing media landscape, and NPR cancels paper subscriptions.

Speaking of print, Time Inc’s uber-customized “mine” magazine launches. It’s free. And it’s not alone.

And…more Twitter. And more Twitter. And yet more Twitter. (Twitter. Twitter. Twitter. Twitter. Twitter.)

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Megan Garber is an assistant editor at the Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University. She was formerly a CJR staff writer.