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Covering Medicare Archive

A complete archive of Trudy Lieberman's "Covering Medicare" articles
April 8, 2011

This is an archive of Trudy Lieberman’s “Covering Medicare” articles, presented in descending order.

08/15/12: Medicare, Paul Ryan, and beyond: a primer – Here’s context to clarify the big entitlements debates

08/08/12: What makes Paul Ryan tick?The New Yorker defines the man who would remake the government

07/27/12: Medicare and misinformation – Is my premium rising? A beat memo for reporters

07/26/12: False balance and the Medicare scare – Who’s been telling the truth in Florida?

A Grand Bargain on entitlements?
– The press is sending signals about Simpson-Bowles. How about explaining it?

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05/21/12: Medicare and the $500 billion bogeyman – Will a half-truth still work for the GOP?

04/27/12: EXTRA Unpacks the Media’s Medicare Coverage – Are journalists writing for doctors or for patients?

02/27/12: A Medicare Memo to Campaign Reporters – Tailing Mitt on Medicare and Social Security, too

02/06/12: USA Today Touts the Government’s Good News on Medicare – But was it the full story?

02/02/12: What Mitt Really Believes About Entitlements – Protecting Social Security and Medicare

01/30/12: Medicare Versus Obamacare – The fight begins in Florida

01/23/12: Romney’s History on Medicare – How he came to accept “premium support”

01/18/12: Medicare Vouchers Explained – A conversation with the Brookings Institution’s Henry Aaron

01/06/12: The Bloodying of PolitiFact – What is Medicare, anyway?

12/23/11: The Kind of Medicare Story We’d Rather Not SeeSmartMoney runs a lackluster listicle

12/19/11: The Coverage of Wyden-Ryan, Round One – Consensus building to privatize Medicare

08/22/11: CJR Holds a Town Hall in Missouri – Do the pols represent the voters?

08/17/11: The Back Story on Medicare’s Wild Spending – The narrative unfolds, bit by bit

08/02/11: The Deficit Deal Defined – Is Medicare really safe?

07/18/11: A Medicare Miss at the LA Times – Some fact-checking, please

07/11/11: Joe Lieberman and his Medicare Gift – The press needs to untie the bow—and quickly

06/09/11: Jon Huntsman’s Vision for the Future of Medicare – Whose moral obligation is it?

06/06/11: Memo to Joe Nocera – Getting the facts right on Medicare

05/31/11: Medicare’s Real Cost Problem – Covering Medicare, part six

05/25/11: A Beat Memo on Medicare – Is the Ryan plan really so novel?

05/23/11: Means-Testing Medicare, According to CQ – Covering Medicare, part five

05/09/11: The AP Takes the Public’s Pulse – Covering Medicare, part four

05/04/11: Single Sourcing on a Medicare Story at NPR – Covering Medicare, part three

04/27/11: A Missing Medicare Link from The New York Times – Covering Medicare, part two

04/07/11: Covering Medicare, Part I – A mixed performance from the press

Trudy Lieberman is a longtime contributing editor to the Columbia Journalism Review. She is the lead writer for CJR's Covering the Health Care Fight. She also blogs for Health News Review and the Center for Health Journalism. Follow her on Twitter @Trudy_Lieberman.